Monday, January 28, 2013

2013.... gonna b ok..... in shaa ALLAH.....

like it.... hope everythings gonna b fine... in shaa Allah.... good news: get advance birthday present from mu bestie... get the offer from my previous university : "Nk booking u. Lpas sj complete M.Sc kt UTHM apply lecturer kat unikl _ _ _ ye. We'll reserve 1 post lecturer for u. Skrg shortage of lecturer. Berminat x? 11.01.2013 12.53pm from HOSM... finish already my study on MASTER PROGRAMME at UTHM + continue final project on DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF WIRELESS STETHOSCOPE.... all out ok ct, b4 ur birthday, the hardware need to finish everythings.... excited to wait next surprise.... 20/04-23/04/2013.... Bandung wait 4 me ok.....

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